Ilkeston has a free to access defibrillator. Situated in the town centre for use in an emergency, it has been installed at the side of the public toilets on Lower Market Place.
The need for the device which sends a shock to the heart to restore normal rhythm was accentuated during football’s European Championship when Christian Eriksen collapsed on the pitch in front of millions of TV viewers.
Several companies and organisations have them but this is the first public use defibrillator to be made freely available to anyone when needed.
It has been installed with funds made available from Erewash Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council members.
Ryan Shelton, Amber Community First Responder and joint coordinator of the project said: “We have worked alongside Councillor Sue Beardsley to get this installed. Due to a long delay on the defibrillator from the supplier, Amber Community First Responders have loaned a defibrillator so it can be installed and made ready as soon as possible.”


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