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P. 8                                                                                   ILKESTON LIFE                                                                                         July 2021      8

                      Email your poems,
                      short stories,   The Songster                            Hiding it away from the local cat next door  As those long summer evenings draw to an
                      cartoons, etc., to                                       After a period of time hungry chicks can be   end
                      poems@ilkeston-  by Thomas Hosker                        heard                                  I’d still love to hear one last song from my
                                                             Shouting for worms for their parents to fetch   friend.
                      or send to Ilkeston                                      and serve
                      Life, 1 Bath street,   He’s one of our most loved garden songsters
                      Ilkeston, Derby-  That lifts our spirits when we are feeling low  With his golden yellow beak and his watchful
                                       Whether it’s early morning or at eventide
           YOUR                        Blackbirds often sing on a house gable end  He begins to run the lawn from side to side
                      shire, DE7 8AH
                                       It’s a sound that we all love and know
                                                                               Disturbing the worms with the movement of
                                                                               his feet
                                       Or perch high in some large tree close by
                                                                               Waiting to strike with his golden yellow beak
                                       Serenading his birdsong to attract a female
           SPACE                       friend                                  After being fully fledged the chicks leave the
                                       As the sun sets across a darkening summer
                                                                               Leaving their parents to have a well earned
                                       Skilfully they build a nest of mud and straw
       Thoughts about                                               In the rainbow that follows,  The work one does, is one’s    But my songbird was made of
       my cat                                                       Vibrantly casting its hues.   reward,                        stronger stuff,
                                                                                                                                 And started up again,
                                                                                                  One’s true aim, and one’s goal.
                                                                    Freedom is in the wind,
       by Robert Anthony                                            That transports our dreams    It lifts one out of poverty,   This time it was tweet, tweet,
                                                                                                  It feeds one’s fallen soul.
       I wish I could have had a chat                               The howling of its voice,     But poverty will always be,    How dare he call me a pain.
                                                                    The anger as it screams.
       With Oliver my tabby cat                                                                   Chasing close behind,          Complaining may have discour-
       Interesting stories he would have                            Freedom is in the snow,       Value assessed by others’ greed,  aged a Mate
       told                                                         So pure and untouched         Will keep one tame, and blind.  For I heard no answering call,
       About his life before he got old.                            And now in the footprints,                                   Don’t give up my  little songbird,
                                                                    That turns it to slush.
       He came to us as a stray      Trees                                                                                       Your song is pleasing us all.
       On a truly memorable day                                     Freedom is in the beholder,   Fiddlesticks and
       Fearful, weak and weary, sad to   by David O’Connell         Freeing the shackles of the mind  Flugelhorns
       say                           6th June 2021                  Freedom is right before you,                                 Precious Memories
       He looked in a really bad way.                               If you seek, you will find.   by M. S. Harvey  © 2020
                                     I have spoken to trees.                                                                     By Mary Taylor
       He’d been spotted often in Cot-  I have listened.            Space Invaders                “Fiddlesticks and flugelhorns”,  Precious memories, where do they
       manhay                        They are wiser than us.                                      Is something that you say,     go,
       Same time, same place, every day  By far.                    by M. S Harvey  © 2021        When faced with a vexatious task,  Passed on to those you tell,
       My lad, a postie with a sack  They have learned              So, just how many ten pence piec-  And things don’t go your way.  Shared experiences remembered,
       Decided at last to bring him back.  Deep lessons.            es, did the Space Invaders eat,  Instead of cursing, swearing or,  I do hope that this is so.
       Would he stay or would he go?  Oaks, especially.             In the arcades, public houses, and   Turning the air quite blue.  Special times and special places,
       This is what we wanted to know  Alders know a thing or two.  many chip shops down the street?  “Fiddlesticks and flugelhorns”,  Happy days, laughter, voices,
       We bought him some food in haste  And pines, I reckon, also are   The most successful, planned   Are words to comfort you.  In time growing fainter,
       And he must have liked the taste.  bless’d.                  invasion, that would overtake the                            Faded pictures, familiar faces.
                                     A long way, actually,          world,
       Did he note the number on our   They go,                     And so many would pay to fight   In Sanity                   It’s my life in this reminiscence,
       door                          Down,                          them, in the battles that occurred.                          Good times, bad times part of life
       So he could come back for more?  Their roots,                                              by M. S. Harvey  © 2021        Live it, to the best of my ability,
       Yes, he returned,             Forever.                       No-one took up the Queen’s shil-  There’s a man believes he’s nor-  Maybe somewhere I’ve made a
       For more sustenance he yearned.  They’re beautiful -         ling, to be enlisted in this fight,  mal on the psychiatric ward,  difference.
                                     Winter, summer,
       This fishy food in a tin      Naked, dressed.                But so many would be defeated, as   Which of itself is incredible, and
       Convinced him to move in      Wiser than us,                 they fought both day and night,  frankly quite absurd,
       Now he was here to stay       Naturally, they are.           Gained bonus points from flying   Because there is no-one normal,   Thank you for the
       Loud purrs were his way to say:  They’ve been a long time around.  saucers, they shot down by laser   truly everyone has quirks,  sunshine
                                                                                                  It’s just, some of us do better hid-
       Thanks for letting me in      A long time around.            Every person engaged in warfare,   ing them from scornful jerks.
       No more will I be straggly and   Follow their star.          as they sought a higher score.                               by Tricia Spencer
       thin.                                                                                                                     Thank you for the sunshine.
       I’ll try to be a good cat                                    Alien armies marching crablike, as                           Thank you for the rain.
       I’ll help you with this and that.  Freedom                   they sidled down the screen,  A Tale of Two                  Thank you for this life I lead be-
       Your house will be mouse-free  by Steven Michael Pape        With those rhythmic bass like   Birds                        fore I go insane.
       And flies will be caught by me  © 2021                       footsteps, where every step would                            Thank you for the blossom.
       No other cats will come on our   Freedom is in the mind,     sound so mean,                By Mary Taylor                 In bloom so pink and full.
       yard                          In the way we perceive         To each person that would hear   I sat quietly in church,    Thank you for the sunshine
       No need to worry, I’ll keep guard.  It’s also in the eyes,   it, hypnotized by that rhythmic   Windows opened as required,  Sent from heaven above.
                                     In the things that we see.     theme,
       I’ll sit close to you when you’re                            Called to fight on phosphor front-  A bird very close started singing,
       feeling unwell                Freedom is found in nature,    line, rasterized by electron beam.  Its varied melody I admired.  Thank you for my friendships.
       When something’s not right, I can   In the flowers and the trees                           It sang its little heart out,  Thank blossom every day.
       tell                          The influx of wildlife,        Neo-Liberal                   It’s repertoire so rich,       It would be nice if sometime soon
       I’ll keep you company when    The birds and the bees.                                      What Mate could resist its song,  We could all go out to play.
       you’re on your own            Freedom is roaming,            Work Ethic                    So perfectly in pitch.
       I know what it’s like to be alone.  Over a carpet of green   by M. S Harvey  © 2019        And so he continued on,

       For several years Oliver was our   Studying what’s around us,  Life is work, and work is life,  His life story he told,   Frightening
       pet                           Like it’s never been seen.     There is no time for play,    When down came a big black     byTricia Spencer
       That was long ago and yet     Freedom is in the sun,         No time at all for having fun,  Crow,                        I looked through the open door
       Thoughts of him often come to   That lights up our faces     Nor to enjoy one’s day.       “Craw, Craw, can I be so bold.  There was a shadow of light
       mind                          It’s around every corner,      Every day must be a drudge,   Surely your throat is getting sore,  ‘A presentiment’
       Another like Oliver we’ll never   It lies in various places.   Enslaved to Mammon’s call,  You’re giving me a headache ,  Which was implanting itself across
       find.                         Freedom is in the rain,        To feed the Beast its sacrifice,  Please desist this tweeting now,  the peeling wallpaper.
                                     The clouds that are bruised    That gives no hope at all.    For all I can do is Craw”.     I had to go in – but I was afraid.
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