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PITCH PERFECT: Robins unveil their
50p new all-weather playing surface
August 2021 Written by the community for the community
Where people tell their stories No. 72 50p where sold
Cheering our readers in Ilkeston and surrounding districts
Family in “We believe every
single one of the
cemetery headstones needs Supporters of Ilkeston Town Football Club were given a chance to see their team’s new 4G pitch at
to be standing tall
TownFest, a special event held on 31st July when two matches were played: Legends v Fans and 1st
team v Long Eaton Utd. The Robins new season fixture list can be found on the back page.
and proud, not
clean-up covered in weeds, the future by the council so they don’t get in Council’s Lead Member for Community
Engagement commented:
such a state again.
ivy and brambles.”
“We are always grateful for the support of
“We still have lots to do and are doing it
in our spare time as we both work. So far
spirit. Our teams receive a lot of thanks for
we have done around six hours. We have local residents and applaud their community
uncovered some beautiful headstones that I the work they put in to maintain sites across
couple and their two children have don’t think anybody even knew were there. the whole borough and the assistance of
A tackled the overgrown border of It’s such a shame. The rest of the cemetery residents who help put the pride in Erewash
Stanton Road Cemetery. is well maintained apart from around the is much appreciated.
James and Lauren Amber and Lily-May (14) border behind the trees. Almost like out of “This is very much the case here and we
and Luke (12) have toiled in the heat to clear sight out of mind. But we believe every regularly work with the Friends of Stanton
ivy and brambles from the burial ground single one of the headstones in the cemetery Road Cemetery to maintain this historic
where celebrated Ilkeston giant Samuel needs to be standing tall and proud, not site. We thank those involved in doing this
Taylor is laid to rest. covered in weed, ivy and brambles.” clearance work and we will ensure cuttings
Pictures of their progress on Facebook have Councillor Val Clare, Erewash Borough are collected.”
brought plaudits from followers.
Lauren told us: “My husband has just spent
three hours clearing ivy, brambles and bush-
es uncovering six grave stones that couldn’t
be seen. One of the stones has fallen over
and needs lifting back up as well as many
others that have been damaged due to the
ivy and brambles running wild. at the bottom of our garden is now being
“James will finish removing the rest when affected, which is causing us some concern.
the council has taken away what we’ve We’re just hoping it won’t fall.”
cleared. We understand that they are very The Ambers have appealed for others to
busy but when we asked, they replied come and help them and for donations of
they couldn’t get the mower round so they grass seed; also that “once we are on top of
haven’t bothered for many years. The wall the overgrown areas they are maintained in