Police and Crime Commissioner Nicolle Ndiweni-Roberts has welcomed the greater public scrutiny being given to police custody processes through the work of a new independent panel.
The Derbyshire Custody Detention Scrutiny Panel (CDSP) held its first meeting this month to scrutinise material retained by the force in cases where bail has been refused to a detainee in custody or where an individual has required a strip search.
The purpose of the scrutiny is to ensure any action taken is proportionate and adheres to legislation, guidance, policy and procedure.
CDSPs are a new form of oversight aimed at improving trust and confidence in policing by increasing transparency around how people are treated when they are detained.
They are made up of local people who live in the county and represent their local communities in conversations with police officers and staff involved in detention and custody duties.
Among their many roles, CDSPs independently examine and challenge disproportionality in police custody or in the application of police powers, make observations and recommendations to PCCs and Chief Officers and report back to the wider policing area in an annual report containing their findings during the preceding year.
Nicolle said: “This Panel brings an extra layer of independent scrutiny to the custody process. It aims to increase the public’s understanding and trust on how and why police exercise various powers and will help to maintain high standards of integrity and transparency in our custody procedures. In turn, this should also give police officers greater confidence in using these powers with the support of their communities.

“As you would expect, the material discussed at these meetings is highly sensitive and it is important to me that we have members from different backgrounds and perspectives whose objective opinions can really help to improve policing services and deliver greater accountability.
“I look forward to reviewing their findings and would like to thank them for volunteering their time to take on this important role on behalf of our communities.”
Future meetings will discuss other key themes and custody procedures including use of force, dignity and respect, length of detention, access to services, mental health and more.