Monday, February 10, 2025

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Cubs have fun on a farm The Kirk Hallam Cub Pack spent a residential weekend at…

Cubs have fun on a farm

The Kirk Hallam Cub Pack spent a residential weekend at Rand Park Farm near Boston.
It was paid for with help from The Big Kirk Hallam Community Chest, County Councillors Stephen Green and John Frudd and the Members’ Community Leadership Fund. The Cubs also earned some money themselves by bag packing at Morrison’s supermarket.
Leader Diiane Harris said: “We also weighed in old clothes and got money from Easyfundraising. This enabled us to reduce the fees from £160 per person to £80.
“The group arrived by coach on the Friday evening, all really looking forward to taking part in the living farm experience.
“We were up early Saturday morning after a late night playing in the Family Play barn, but the Cubs were still raring to go at 8.00 am with the farm jobs – bottle feeding lambs and calves and mucking out.
“After breakfast we visited the nearby Woodside Wildlife Park. The Cubs were really excited about being transported by tractor and trailer. Late afternoon back to do the farm evening jobs – more feeding of the various animals across the Park. After our evening meal there was time to play on Pedal Go Karts, Adventure Playground, Summertime sledging, trampolines, Crazy golf and Air Cannon Shooting Arena.
“On Sunday after the morning jobs and breakfast, we learnt ‘Why farmers keep poultry and cattle’, and we also had a go at butter making. The leaders were really looking forward to the Full English Breakfast both days and the 3-course cooked Tea, with no cooking and washing up to do!
“The 21st are currently looking for a volunteer leader to assist in our Beaver section, so come along and join the adventure enabling more young people to enjoy what scouting has to offer. Don’t be shy walk through the door and see the smiles and what you could also get out of being a volunteer with the 21st Ilkeston Scout Group. Please contact Diane: Email [email protected] or phone 0115 932 9979.
Photo: Cubs feeding the lambs with Rama and Kaa.



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