St John Houghton students celebrate GCSE results
84% of students achieved at least a Grade 4 in English and 75% of students achieved at least a grade 4 in Maths. There were also strong results in Religious Education, Geography, Physical Education, Modern Foreign Languages, Design and Technology and Business Studies.
Huge congratulations also to Madeline Perrin in Year 11, who achieved 10 Grade 9s.
Headteacher Steve Brogan said: “We are so pleased for our students who have worked so hard for these results and have demonstrated determination, one of our school’s core virtues, over the past two years. This group of students have had their education disrupted so much during their GCSE years and we are so proud of how they have dealt with the challenges they have faced. We wish them all the very best for the future as they take their next steps in life.”
Pictured: Tom Pavlou, Madeline Perrin and Callum Moir.