Derbyshire Patient Watchdog Shortlisted For National Award
Healthwatch Derbyshire, the independent consumer watchdog for health and social care
services in the county, has been shortlisted for a national award in recognition of how it
involves volunteers and other people in its work.
The awards are run by national body Healthwatch England to showcase the achievements of
the UK-wide network of organisations in ensuring health and social care services meet the
needs of local communities and that people’s views are heard.
Healthwatch Derbyshire, based in Milford, is one of 28 shortlisted for the annual awards
which attracted a record 170 entries this year.
The organisation is in the final of the volunteering category alongside Healthwatch
organisations in Birmingham Northamptonshire, South Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.
Winners in the different categories will be announced at the annual Healthwatch England
conference in October.
The organisation has been recognised for the Enter & View visit programme commissioned
by Derbyshire County Council last year.
Healthwatch Derbyshire trained a team of volunteers who made unannounced visits to
County Council’s 22 care homes that support older people and four services supporting
people with learning difficulties. They then reported back on what they found.
As a result of this work, Derbyshire County Council has been able to take positive action to
improve services including better signage, offering therapeutic activities and providing hearing loops to residents.
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