Christmas lights switch-on to remember loved ones
Treetops Hospice Care is inviting people to sponsor a light on their Christmas tree to shine in memory of someone special throughout the festive period.
The lights will be switched on during a special Light up a Life ceremony at the hospice on Sunday 3 December from 4pm.
Treetops, based in Risley, provide nursing care and emotional support for adults in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire including a Hospice at Home service for patients at home.
Keith was supported by Treetops nurses and his daughter, Tracey, shared her story of the difference this made:
“My dad, Keith, was diagnosed with lung cancer just before Christmas 2007.
“I’m one of four children and we all pulled together to make sure one of us was with dad from early morning until late evening every day, but due to family and work commitments, we weren’t always able to stay with him overnight.
“At night was when he was at his most vulnerable as he was very weak and likely to fall and hurt himself if he needed to get up.
“I really don’t know what we would have done without the exceptional help from Treetops Hospice Care. Most nights were covered by one of the Hospice at Home nurses who were so professional, capable, friendly and understanding about the situation.
“Dad developed lovely relationships with the nurses and we felt that we could talk to them about any problems or concerns. There were never any rushed “handovers”- they always had time to sit and have a cup of tea with us, and tell us how dad had got on in the night.
“We were able to leave Dad overnight, safe in the knowledge that he had someone with him – which was also a great comfort and help to him.”
Light Up a Life Dedications can be made by anyone who wishes to remember a loved one and those making a dedication do not have attend the Light Up a Life service.
The ceremony will include carols and readings and refreshments will be available from 3pm. Dedications will be on display in a Book of Remembrance. The ceremony is an outdoor event so those attending are advised to dress for the weather.