Twins from Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary have achieved almost identical GCSE exam results.
Adam Kavanagh achieved six A*, one A, a 9 in English Language, an 8 in English Literature and a 9 in Maths.
Thomas Kavanagh achieved the same grades apart from English Literature, in which he achieved a 7.
Both of them are going on to Bilborough College, Thomas will study Geography, Maths and Further Maths while Adam will study Music, Economics, Maths and Computing.
Adam, 16, of Long Eaton, said: “It wasn’t a joint decision that we would both go to Bilborough, it was just the best place for us in terms of facilities and courses. I don’t think that we will see much of each other anyway as there are so many students there.
“There’s not much that we’ve done throughout our lives that has been the same although our grades have always been similar so I suppose this is a bit weird.
“We are quite competitive and I think as I have the 8 in English Literature that makes me the smarter twin.”
Thomas, 16, of Long Eaton, said: “There is a bit of competition between us but I don’t mind about the 7. We got similar results in our mock exams so this wasn’t too much of a surprise.”
Seventy per cent of students at Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy, in Kirk Hallam, achieved grade 4 or above (equivalent to C and above) in their English and Maths GCSEs.
A total of 29 per cent of students achieved 7+(the equivalent of an A or above) in Maths and 20 per cent in English. There were 13 of the new 9 grades achieved across the year group.
Joan McCarthy, head teacher at Saint John Houghton CVA, in Kirk Hallam, congratulated students on their results.
She said: “We are pleased with our results even though it’s been a difficult year in terms of the changes to the system and we have some tremendous individual success stories. We are extremely proud of each and every one of our students and of our staff who work so hard to support the children. We wish all of our students every success in the future and we are sure they will go on to achieve great things.”
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Twin achieve almost identical GCSE exam results

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