Students at Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy got into the fundraising spirit and raised more than £330 for Children in Need.
Members of the academy’s Student Voice organisation were asked to think up ideas to raise money and get the whole school involved and a total of £338.13 was raised.
Students in Year 7 collected change in buckets, Year 8 created a treasure hunt, Year 9 collected donations of items that could be raffled and Year 10 ran a competition which involved guessing numbers written down and hidden inside three jars of sweets.
Abigail Gregory, 11, who is in Year 7, said she enjoyed being part of the fundraising day.
She said: “We went around school and asked staff and students to donate their change and we were asking people for donations as they came into school. We’ve all enjoyed raising money for Children in Need.”
Katie Tongue, 13, who is in Year 8, said the raffle had been very popular.
She said: “Each form group was asked to bring in items which could be put into a themed basket such as movie night or pampering which could be raffled off. Members of the Student Voice group came up with the fundraising ideas and this was something a bit different.”
Jo Watkinson, Assistant Principal for Inclusion at OIEA, said the students were keen to support Children in Need.
She said: “Members of our Student Voice group put a lot of thought into how they could raise as much money as possible for such a good cause. There was a great atmosphere in school on the day and it was great to see every year group getting involved. We are extremely proud of all of our students.”