Erewash Borough Council has confirmed the dates for its last garden waste collections, which are temporarily withdrawn during the winter months.
Residents in the SOUTH of the borough – Long Eaton and surrounding areas – will have their last brown bin collections week commencing Monday 28 November. In the NORTH – Ilkeston and surrounding areas – it will be week commencing Monday 5 December.
When garden waste collections end for the season, Erewash residents can once again use their brown bin for their recyclable waste until the garden waste rounds resume next year.
After week commencing 23 January 2017 in the SOUTH of the borough and 30 January in the NORTH, brown bins can only be used for garden waste. After these dates recycling should only be put out for collection in a blue bin and/or green bags.
Councillor Garry Hickton, Erewash Borough Council’s Lead Member for Environment, says:
“It has been another good year for gardeners and we know residents have been making full use of our garden waste collections – and there’s still time left to do all those final tasks!”