Residents have the chance to find out more about Derbyshire Community Bank (DCB) and the services it offers to local people at this month’s Ilkeston and North Community Forum on Tuesday 29 September.
DCB was launched in 2006 in Ilkeston and is the largest Credit Union in Derbyshire, with many of its 3,500 members living or working in Erewash.
A presentation will also be given on the Digital Derbyshire project which is working towards increasing the access to faster broadband services across the county.
The Forum will be held at Gladstone Lodge on Market Street, Ilkeston and will begin at 7pm, with all residents welcome.
Councillor Carol Hart, Erewash Borough Council’s Deputy Leader and Lead Member for Community Engagement, says:
“Our Forums are very welcoming and informal and a way of introducing topics and items of interest so our residents can find out more. We look forward to once again seeing local people and there will be plenty of opportunity for any questions they may have.”
The Forum will also give residents the opportunity to put general questions to officers from Derbyshire County Council, Derbyshire Constabulary and Erewash Borough Council.
Anyone unable to attend can email or telephone the council’s Community Engagement Officer Colin Handley in advance of the meeting with any questions they may have and they will be raised on the evening. Contact [email protected] or 0115 907 2244.